Saturday, July 23


Equipment required: Foam roller, light band, barbell

1) Oscillatory Foam Roll Lats x 60s each

2) 3-Way Banded Shoulder/Lat Stretch x 30s each position

3) 10 Russian Baby Maker + Thoracic Rotation

4) 3 Rounds:

– 6 Power Snatch

– 6 Overhead Squat

– 10 Scap Pull-ups

– 10 Kip Swings


With A Running Clock With A Partner


Max Rounds of:

20 Overhead Squat (95/65)

20 Toes to Bar


Max Rounds of:

16 Power Snatch

16 Pull-ups


Max Distance 50 Meter Single Arm Front Rack Carry (53/35)

Rx+: (115/75) (C2B Pull-ups)

L3: (75/55)

L2: (65/45) (Hanging Leg Raises) (Band Assisted Pull-ups)

L1: (35/26 Goblet Squats) (Reverse Crunches) (Barbell Rows for Pull-ups) (DB Snatch 30/20)

Score = total rounds/reps + distance Carry


Standing Banded Abs

3 x 10 3s down. Rest 60s