Wednesday 4.29.20

3 Sets
Pigeon stretch x 30 sec per side
High knees x 20 sec
Child’s pose x 60 sec
Butt Kickers x 20 sec
Side Shuffle x 20 sec (10 sec per direction )

At Home
5 Sets
Cossack Squat x max reps 45 sec
Single leg alternating RDL x max reps 45 sec
Quadruped Knee extensions x max reps 45 sec
Rest 30 sec

For Time :
Run x 200 meters
Squat x 50 reps
Push Ups x 5 reps
Run x 200 meters
Squat x 40 reps
Push Ups x 10 reps
Run x 200 meters
Squat x 30 reps
Push ups x 15 reps

-rest 1 min-

Run x 200 meters
Squat x 20 reps
Push Ups x 20 reps
Run x 200 meters
Squat x 10 reps
Push Ups x 25 reps
Run x 200 meters

At the Gym
5 Sets
Barbell Front Rack Step back Lunge x 20 reps (10 per leg)
On the 2:30 min Marks
*complete all Lunges on one leg before doing the other leg)
*Start with light weight and build each set to moderate weight on the last set. Don’t go heavy, we are trying to get our strength back the right way without injury so don’t try to jump back to the weights you were moving before.

For Time :
Kettlebell SDLHP x 20 reps 55/35
Power Clean x 18 reps 95/65
Pull Ups x 5 reps
Kettlebell SDLHP x 20 reps 55/35
Power Clean x 15 reps 95/65
Pull Ups x 10 reps
Kettlebell SDLHP x 20 reps 55/35
Power Clean x 12 reps 95/65
Pull ups x 15 reps

-rest 1 min-

Kettlebell SDLHP x 20 reps 55/35
Front Squat x 12 reps 95/65
Push Ups x 20 reps
Kettlebell SDLHP x 20 reps 55/35
Front Squat x 15 reps 95/65
Push Ups x 25 reps
Kettlebell SDLHP x 20 reps 55/35
*18min time cap*