Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

Friday 7.31.15

Essentials: A. 4 Sets Side Plank on Hand Shifts x 10 per side On the 3min Marks B. 10min to Find a…

Thursday 7.30.15

Essentials: A. 12min Working on the skill of the Jump Rope ie. Singles, Doubles, Triples *Every 2min stop what you are doing…

Wednesday 7.29.15

Essentials: A. 10 Sets Heavy Russian KBS x 15 reps On the Min Marks B. 20 Sets Speed Deadlift x 1 rep…

Tuesday 7.28.15

Essentials: A. EMOM 10min Band Over Head Squats x 5 reps B. 8 Sets Back Squat x 1 rep 77% On the…

Monday 7.27.15

Essentials: A. 4 sets Shoulder Press x 5 reps Parrelette Dips x 5 On the 2:30min Marks B. 4 Sets Ring Pulls…

Saturday 7.25.15

Essentials: A. 3 Rounds Not For Time;For Quality: Lying Leg Lifts (Candle Sticks) x 10 reps Plank x 30sec Band Pull A…

Friday 7.24.15

Essentials: A. 10min to Build Up to a 1RM Front Squat with tempo 55×1 B. 4 Sets Goblet Squat Holds x 60sec…

Thursday 7.24.15

Essentials: A. 10min working on Kipping Drills with Hollow Body, Arch Body, Bar taps, and more B. 10 Sets Airdyne or Row…

Wednesday 7.23.15

Essentials: A. 4 Sets Hip Thrusts x 3 reps @ 130% of your 10rm On the 2:30min Marks B. 4 Sets Single…

Tuesday 7.21.15

Essentials: A. 4 Sets Active Handstand Press on Belly x 45sec On the 2:30min or ADAPT Rest 3min B. 35min AMRAP Farmers…