Wednesday, December 21


Equipment Required: Foam roller, light KB

1) Foam roll wherever you need it x 60s each side

2) 2 Rounds:

– 3 each Spiderman Lunge

– 5 each Tall Kneeling KB Halo

3) 3 Rounds:

– 5 Yoga Push-ups

– 5 each Thoracic Rotations

– 5 Goblet Squats

– 10 Scap Pull-ups

– 10 Kip Swings



A1. Pull-up Skill work

– L3: 5 Reps of 1 Kip Swing + 1 Butterfly Pull-ups

– L2: Band assisted: 5 Reps of 1 Kip Swing + 1 Kipping Pull-up

– L1: Superman Hold 10s + Hollow Hold 10s + Active Bar Hang 10s

A2. DU Skill work – 30s


Every 6:00 x 4

500/400 Meter Row (Round 1&3)

1100/800 Meter Bike (Round 2&4)

50 Double Unders

15 Landmine Thrusters (45/25)

10 each Walking BW Lunges

– Goal: Challenging effort. You should have enough rest to repeat your level of output for all 4 sets. Track all splits, if your split time starts dropping you started out too hot.

L3: (35/15)

L2: (25/10)

L1: (300/200 Meter Row) (15/Empty Bar)


Single Leg FL Calf Raises

2 x 20 each. Rest 60s