Thursday, October 27


Equipment required: Foam roller, light/medium band, Light KB

1) Foam Roll Pecs 60s each

2) Biphasic Pec Stretch 60s each

3) 3 Rounds of:

– 3-5 Plyo Push-ups *scale to knees as necessary

– 5 Skip Jacks

– 5 each Single Arm Row

– 5 each Tall Kneeling KB Halo

4) Review TGU

5) Close Grip Bench w. an empty barbell

1 x 5 w 1s pause halfway down, 1s pause at chest.


Close Grip Bench Press

3/9 x 3 every 60s.

– 3 Warm-up sets, 9 working sets

– Switch Grips every 3 sets starting narrower and finishing slightly wider.

– These are SPEED reps, increase from last week if possible


3 Rounds For Quality

12 DB Rollback Triceps

25 Meter Backwards Sled Pull Lat Pull-down

25 Banded Bicep Curls

4 each TGU

– Goal: Sustainable effort resting as needed between sets

L1: (Turkish Sit-up)

– Sled Alternate:

6-8 Barbell Lat Pull-over


Half Kneeling High Low Band Chop

3 x 10 each. Rest 60s