Saturday, June 4


Equipment required: foam roller, light KB

1) Foam Roll Adductors + lats x 60s each

2) Adductor Rockback Stretch x 60s each side

3) Biphasic Lat Stretch

3) 3 rounds:

– 2 each Single Leg Upward Dog to Standing

– 5 each Single Arm Front Rack Reverse Lunge

– 10 Wall Slides

– 10 Kip Swings


3 Rounds For Time:

In teams of 3:

60-45-30 Pull-ups

300 Meter Odd Object Carry

30 Total DB Snatch (50/35)

600-900-1200 Meter Run

– Goal: Split reps evenly and have fun!

Rx+: (60/45) (Pull-ups – Chest to Bar – Bar Muscle-ups)

L2: (Ring or Band Assisted Pull-ups)

L1: (Ring or Band Assisted Pull-ups)

TIME CAP = 35:00



5 Mins easy cardio @ conversational pace, Bike, Row, Run, Ski etc.