Wednesday 3.17.21


BP Dynamic Consists of:

– High Knees x 50 ft.

– Butt Kickers x 50 ft.

– Inside Taps x 50 ft.

– Outside Taps x 50 ft.

– A Skip x 50 ft.

– B Skip x 50 ft.

Knee Hug + Lunge w. forearm to floor + thoracic rotation + toe point x 50 ft.

– Leg Swing opposite toe to opposite hand x 50 ft.

– Carioca x 50 ft.

– Jumping Jack Shuffle (switch halfway) x 50 ft.

– 90 Degree Hip Rotation x 50 ft.


Running Drills

7 minutes

-Coach led


AMRAP 20: 

100 Meter Front Rack Carry light/moderate

200 Meter Row

400 Meter Run

– Goal: Slow, consistent pace. Goal = keep heart rate and breath under control


Single Leg Glute Hip Thrust

3 x 8-10 each. 

Rest 60s

D. (Finisher after class)

Foam Roll Hip Flexors x 60s each (6-12 inch passes)- 60s each side Biphasic Hip Flexor Stretch