Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

Thursday 10.29.15

Essentials: A. Mobility Puppy Dog x 3min Saddle x 3min Twisted Cross Left x 2min Twisted Cross Right x 2min Butterfly x…

Wednesday 10.28.15

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Butterfly Seated Dumbbell Overhead Hold x 45sec On the 2min Marks or ADAPT B. 4 Sets Back Squat…

Tuesday 10.27.15

Essentials A. 4 Sets 1 Foot Standing Band Row x 20 reps Tempo 31×1 On the 2:30min Marks B. 3 Sets Inch…

Monday 10.26.15

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Sumo Deadlift x 3 reps On the 2:30min B. 10 Sets Dumbbell Snatch x 5 reps per arm…

Saturday 10.24.15

Essentials: A. EMOM 10min Plank with 1 Arm alternating Raise x 12 reps B. With a running clock From 0-10min Complete: 2…

Friday 10.23.15

Essentials A. 4 Sets Banded Bar Step Under Squats x 20 reps On the 3 min B. 5 Sets Pausing Front Squats…

Thursday 10.22.15

Essentials: A. 4 Sets Partner Banded Sprints x 25 meters On the 2:30min Marks B. 5 Rounds Run x 1min Ball Slam…

Wednesday 10.21.15

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Theraband Overhead Squats x 7 reps On the 2min Marks or ADAPT B. 4 Sets Back Squat Cluster…

Tuesday 10.20.15

Essentials A. 4 Sets 1 Foot Standing Band Row x 15 reps Tempo 31×1 On the 3min Marks B. 3 Sets Ring…

Monday 10.19.15

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Sumo Deadlift x 5 reps On the 2:30min B. 10 Sets Barbell Good Mornings x 7 reps On…