Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

Tuesday 11.17.15

Essentials: A. 4 Sets Ring Pull x 10 reps Rest 15 sec On Floor Position Banded Lat Pull Down x 10 reps…

Monday 11.16.15

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Wall Sit Theraband Sots Press x 15 reps On the 2:30min or ADAPT B. 4 Sets Back Squat…

Saturday 11.14.15

BENCH MARK MAKE UP DAY or Essentials: A. 3 Sets Partner Med Ball side rotation Toses x 10 per side per person…

WOD Wisdom: Set yourself up for success

Every night before you go to bed you set your alarm clock to wake you up the next morning. Why is that?…

Friday 11.13.15

Bench Mark Essentials, Fitness, and Performance: A. If 3RM Back Squat is Greater than or Equal to your body weight then… In…

Thursday 11.12.15

Essentials: A. Mobility Standing Straddle x 3min Half Seated Frog Right Side x 2min Half Seated Frog Left Side x 2min Twisted…

Athlete Spotlight: Josef Roberts

Check out our Athlete Spotlight on Josef Roberts

Athlete Spotlight: Vanessa Whitten

Check out our Athlete Spotlight on Vanessa Whitten

Wednesday 11.11.15

Bench Marks Essentials and Fitness: A. In 10min Find Your 8 Rep Max Per Leg Bulgarian Split Squat Tempo 3010 Rest 5min…

Tuesday 11.10.15

Essentials: A. 3 Sets Not For Time: Row x 500 meters Lying Single Leg Extension x 10 reps per leg Arch Body…