Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

Monday 10.3.16

Essentials: A. 12min EMOM Odd:Jumping Back Squat x 5-7 Reps Even: Barbell Bent Over Row x 10 Reps B. 3 Sets Each…

Saturday 10.1.16

Essentials: A. Mobility Seated Straddle x 2min Bound Angle x 2min Lizard Right x 2min Lizard Left x 2min Puppy Dog x…

Friday 9.30.16

Essentials: A. 12min Build to a 1RM Frankenstein Front squat -Then- 1 Set Goblet Squat x 20 reps as heavy as possible…

Thursday 9.29.16

Essentials: A. Mobility Standing Straddle x 2min Dragon Right x 2min Lizard Right x 2min Dragon Left x 2min Lizard Left x…

Wednesday 9.28.16

Essentials: A. EMOM 14min Russian Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps B. 4 Sets Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 7 reps On the…

Tuesday 9.27.16

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Snatch Grip RDL x 5 reps On the 2:30min Or ADAPT B. 15 Sets Push Jerk x 3…

Monday 9.26.16

Essentials: A. 12min Back Squat with a 5sec decent tempo Build to a 1RM -Then- 1 Set Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat x…

Saturday 9.24.16

Essentials: A. 10min EMOM Slow Pulling Snatch Grip Deadlift (7sec to Hip) x 1 rep 30-40% of Deadlift B. 3 Sets Weighted…

Friday 9.23.16

Essentials: A. 4 Sets Kettlebell Waiters Walk x 50 meters per Arm Or ADAPT (4 Sets) B. 12min Build Up to 1Rm…

Thursday 9.22.16

Essentials: A. Mobility Single Leg Forward Fold Right x 3min Single Leg Forward Fold Left x 3min Pigeon Right x 3min Pigeon…