Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

Wednesday 2.22.17

Friday Night Throwdown weekly gym challenge: Accumulate 1 minute in handstand hold (feet on box, feet against wall, free standing) Essentials: A. 7…

Tuesday 2.21.17

Friday Night Throwdown weekly gym challenge: Accumulate 1 minute in handstand hold (feet on box, feet against wall, free standing) Essentials: A. 5…

Monday 2.20.17

Essentials: A. 15min EMOM 1. Support Hold on rings or Dip Bar x 20 sec 2. Bottom or Dip Hold on Parallettes…

Friday Night Throwdown 2017 Teams

The CrossFit Open is this week and the teams have been drafted for Friday Night Throwdown! See below to find out which team…

Saturday 2.18.17

Essentials: A. 3 Sets Deadlift x 7 reps 70%, 5 reps 77%, 3 reps 85% On the 3min Mark B. Yearly Benchmark…

CF Teens: Thursday 2.16.17

The Open starts next week! We are excited to have our Kids and Teens participate in our 3rd Annual Friday Night Throwdown!…

Friday 2.17.17

Normal class times for 6 am, 9:30 am and 12:30 pm. The afternoon schedule will look like this. 3:00-4:00 Injury prevention workshop…

Around the Whiteboard: Israel Albarran

Certifications: Level 1 CF Trainer; ACE personal trainer Favorite WOD: 12.1 (7min AMRAP burpees) Favorite Lift: squat clean Deadlift: 415 Back Squat:…

CF Teens: Wednesday 2.15.17

The Open starts next week! We are excited to have our Kids and Teens participate in our 3rd Annual Friday Night Throwdown!…

Thursday 2.15.17

Essentials/Fitness/Performance: A. Mobility Seated forward Fold x 4 min Standing Straddle x 4min Frog x 2min Sumo Squat x 2min B. GOAT…