Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

Friday 6.16.17

Essentials: A. 3 Sets Back Squat x 7 reps build in weight each set Tempo 4040 3 Sets Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat…

Thursday 6.15.17

Essentials: A. Teams of 2-3 People For Time: Single Unders x 150 reps Goblet Squat x 55 reps Box Jump Over x…

Wednesday 6.14.17

Essentials: A. 4 Sets Support Hold x 30sec Dip Negatives x 5 reps Rest 30 sec Hollow Hold x 30sec Tuck Up…

Tuesday 6.13.17

Essentials: A. 7 Sets Behind the Neck Push Press + Behind the Neck Push Jerk + Snatch Balance PVC, Training Bar, Empty…

Monday 6.12.17

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Plank Complex (4 Shoulder Taps + 5sec Side Plank Hold) x 6 Complexes Rest 30 sec Pike Rock…

Saturday 6.10.17

Essentials: A. With a running Clock (From 0-10min) 5 Rounds For Time:(8min Time Cap) Jumping Pull Up x 10 reps Goblet Squat…

Friday 6.9.17

Essentials/Fitness: A. In 10min Find Your 1 Rep Max Deadlift Rest 3min B. In 10min Find Your 8 Rep Max Per Leg…

Thursday 6.8.17

Essentials/Fitness/Performance: A. GOAT DAY 21min EMOM 1.Gymnastics movement or any part, for Example(Pull Up,Kip, Ring Pull, strict pull up, Bar or ring…

Wednesday 6.7.17

BENCH MARK Essentials/Fitness/Performance: A. If 3RM Back Squat is Greater than or Equal to your body weight then… In 12min Find a…

Tuesday 6.6.17

Essentials: A. 9min EMOM 1. Bench Supine Glute Extension x 10 reps 2. Support Hold x 25 sec 3. Hollow Hold x…