Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

CrossFit Team Series info

No Excuses CrossFit competed in the CrossFit Open earlier this year and we just completed the Hugo Open last week. Now it’s…

Thursday 8.31.17

There’s no 7 pm Class on Friday. No class times on Saturday as we are hosting the Hugo Open. RP: Non Training…

Wednesday 8.30.17

RP: Light Training Day Essentials/Fitness/Performance: A. If 3RM Back Squat is Greater than or Equal to your body weight then… In 12min…

Tuesday 8.29.17

RP: Light Training Day Essentials: A. 12min EMOM 1. Barbell Good Morning x 10 reps 2. Box Jump x 5 reps 3….

Monday 8.28.17

RP: Light Training Day Essentials/Fitness/Performance: A. In 12min Find Your 3 Rep Max Back Squat Rest 5min B. If 3RM Back Squat…

Saturday 8.26.17

HUGO OPEN Come out and watch and cheer on from 9-12 At Home WOD 5 Rounds For Time: Lunge x 20 steps…

Friday 8.25.17

RP: Light Training Day Essentials: A. 15min EMOM 1. Wall Sit x 30 sec 2. Arch Hold x 30 sec 3. Plank…

Thursday 8.24.17

Essentials/Fitness/Performance: A. 20min 65% Run x 1min Row x 1min Jump Rope x 1min No Push Up Burpee x 1min B. Mobility…

Wednesday 8.23.17

Essentials: A. 15min EMOM Front Squat x 1 rep 50% Tempo 30×1 B. Benchmark Jackie For Time: Row x 1000 meters Thruster…

Tuesday 8.22.17

Essentials: A. 15min Every 30 sec 1.Pull Up Negative x 1 reps 2.Box Dips x 5 reps B. 3 Rounds For Time:…