Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

Monday 11.13.17

Essentials/Fitness/Performance: A. In 12min Find Your 3 Rep Max Back Squat Rest 5min B. If 3RM Back Squat is Greater than or…

Saturday 11.11.17

Today we remember all of our Veterans, Thank You for your service! Essentials: A. Teams of 2-3 people Three Wise Men ‘Jeremy’…

Friday 11.10.17

Essentials: A. 7min AMRAP Deadlift x 7 reps Box Dip x 7 reps B. 15min EMOM 1. Row or Ski x 60sec…

Thursday 11.9.17

Essentials: A. Warm Up Kettlebell touch in Plank Race B. 18min EMOM 1. Unbroken Ring Pulls x 12-15 reps 2. Assault Bike…

Wednesday 11.8.17

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Tempo Overhead Squat x 2 reps Tempo 10.10.x.1 On the 2:30min B. 3 Sets Dumbbell Overhead step back…

Tuesday 11.7.17

Essentials: A. 10min EMOM Chin Over Bar Hold x 15-20 sec of work B. 5 Sets Snatch Grip Deadlift x 3 reps…

Monday 11.6.17

Essentials: A. 8min EMOM 1. Dumbbell Thruster x 3 reps 2. Jumping Pull Ups x 12 reps 8min EMOM 1. Dumbbell Front…

Saturday 11.4.17

*No 8:30am Class on Saturday November 4th. Come out and run the Annandale 5K at 8am with us. Here is the registration…

Saturday 11.4.17

*No 8:30am Class on Saturday November 4th. Come out and run the Annandale 5K at 8am with us. Here is the registration…

Friday 11.3.17

*No 8:30am Class on Saturday November 4th. Come out and Run the Annandale 5K at 8am with us. Here is the registration…