Monday 10.25.21


Equipment required: Foam roller, light band, barbell

1) Oscillatory Foam Roll Lats x 60s each

2) 10 Thoracic Rotations each

3) 3-Way Banded Shoulder/Lat Stretch x 30s each position

4) 3 Rounds:

– 6 Barbell Rows

– 6 Hang Muscle Cleans

– 6 Push Press

– 30s DU Practice

5) Review Pull-up scaling options


Legless Rope Climbs

Accumulate Max Reps in 7:00 – Rest 45s between sets.

– improve upon last weeks total

– L2: Rope Climb

– L1: Rope Climb Standing to Ground


Strict HSPU

Accumulate Max Reps in 7:00 – Rest 45s between sets.

– improve upon last weeks total

L3: Kipping HSPU

L2: HSPU Negatives or Box HSPU

L1: Single Arm DB Z-Press – max sets of 6-8 each



Minute 1: 30s Double Unders

Minute 2: 30s Hang Power Clean + Push Press (115/75)

Minute 3: 30s HR Push-ups

Minute 4: 30s Weighted Straight Leg Sit-ups

– Goal: Challenging effort. You should be able to go for 30s without stopping, so scale so you’re able to do so.

Rx+: (135/95) (Handstand Walk for Push-ups) (T2B for Sit-ups)

L3: (95/65)

L2: (75/55)

L1: (Penguin Taps or Single Unders) (DBs 25/15) (Box Push-ups)