Wednesday 5.19.21

Equipment Required: 2 Light weight plates
1) Lava Game

  • Everyone but the winner of each round performs a penalty of your choice – Air Squats, Sit-ups, Burpees, Lunges etc.
    2) T2B Drills

0:00 – 7:00
200 Meter Run
10 T2B
20 G2OH with a plate
7:00-9:00 – REST
9:00 – 16:00
200 Meter Run
10 Hollow Rocks
20 Walking BW Lunges
16:00-18:00 – REST
18:00 – 25:00
Crossbody Farmer Carry x 90 ft. sets.

  • Goal: Challenging but sustainable pace, you should be able to move continuously for the whole 25 minutes without stopping.
    -Scale T2B to hanging straight leg raises or knee raises.

KB Curls
4 x 8-10.
-Rest 60s.