Monday 8.10.20

2 Sets
Row x 60 sec
Russian Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps
Goblet Squat x 10 reps
Goblet step back Lunge x 10 reps
Goblet Goodmorning x 10 reps

3 Sets
Alternating Cossack Squat x 5 per leg
Tempo 2121
On the 2:30 min

12 Sets
Speed Front Squat and ¼ x 2 reps
45-60% of clean
Banded Face Pulls x 10-15 reps
On the 45sec Marks

2 Sets
Row x 200 meters
Incline Push Ups x 5 reps
Ring Pull x 7 reps
Dual Kettlebell Push Press x 9 reps
Row x 200 meters
Rest 2 min between sets
2 Sets
Row x 200 meters
Hanging Knee raises x 9 reps
Incline Push ups x 7 reps
Burpee x 5 reps
Row x 200 meters
Rest 2 min between sets

3 Sets
Alternating Goblet Cossack Squat x 5 per leg
Tempo 2121
On the 2:30 min

12 Sets
Speed Front Squat and ¼ x 2 reps
45-60% of clean
Banded Face Pulls x 10-15 reps
On the 45sec Marks

2 Sets
Row x 200 meters
Handstand Push Ups x 5 reps
Strict Pull Ups x 7/5 reps
Dual Kettlebell Push Press x 9 reps 55/35
Row x 200 meters
Rest 2 min between sets
2 Sets
Row x 200 meters
Toes to Bar x 9 reps
Push ups x 7 reps
Burpee x 5 reps
Row x 200 meters
Rest 2 min between sets