Tuesday 6.2.20

3 Sets
Curtsy Box step Ups / Lunges x 12 reps
Hollow Body Hold x 30 sec
Glute Bridge March x 20 reps
Seated Single leg lifts x 10 per leg

At Home
4 Sets
Bulgarian Split squat x 8-10 per leg
Cossack Squat x 8-10 per leg
Rest 90 sec

5 Rounds For Time:
Object Jump Over x 10 reps
Jumping Jacks x 50 reps
*1min rest between Rounds*

At the Gym
4 Sets
Barbell Front Rack Step back Lunge x 10 reps (5 per leg)
Perform all lunges on one leg before moving to the other leg. Build in weight.
*lift from Ground*
On the 2:30 min

5 Rounds For Time:
Box Jump Over x 10 reps 30/24
Double Unders x 50 reps
*1min rest between Rounds*