Wednesday 5.27.20

3 Sets
Lizard stretch x 30 sec per side
Hip Switch x 10 reps
Squat Pull down x 10 reps
Kane squat x 5 reps stick/ PVC/ Empty BB

At Home
6 Sets
Wall sit x 45 sec
Rest 15 sec
Tempo Air squat x 15 reps
@53×1…(5 sec down, 3 sec at the bottom, explosive up, and 1 sec pause at the top before the next rep)
Rest 60 sec

5 Sets
Squat Jump x 10 reps
Burpee Over an Object x 10 reps
Squat Jump x 10 reps
On the 3 min Marks

At the Gym
3 Sets
Back Squat x 5,4,3reps
On the 2:30 min Marks
Right into
3 Sets
Front Squat x 5 reps
On the 2:30 min Marks
*Start with light weight and build each set to moderate weight on the last set. Don’t go heavy, we are trying to get our strength back the right way without injury so don’t try to jump back to the weights you were moving before. After the back squats the weight should drop back down to start the first set of front squats.

5 Sets
Power Clean and Jerk x 5 reps 135/95
Burpee Box Jump x 10 reps 24/20
Power Clean and Jerk x 5 reps 135/95
On the 3 min Marks