Tuesday 6.2.15

4 Sets
Close Grip Bench Press x 8 reps
Rest 1min
Parrelette Dips x 3 reps
On the 3min Marks

Rest 3min

3 Sets
Bent Over Row x 8 reps
Rest 1min
Ring Pulls x 10 reps
On the 3min Marks

Rest 3min

For Reps of Each:
AMRAP Two Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row+Kick Back x 1min
Rest 1min
AMRAP Incline Push Ups x 1:30min
Rest 1min
AMRAP V-Ups x 2min
Rest 1min
AMRAP Single Unders x 2:30min

4 Sets
Close Grip Bench Press x 8 reps
Rest 1min
Weighted Dips x 3 reps
On the 3min Marks

Rest 3min

3 Sets
Bent Over Row x 8 reps
Rest 1min
Weighted Pull Up x 3 reps
On the 3min Marks

Rest 3min

For Reps of Each:
AMRAP Muscle Ups or Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 1min
Rest 1min
AMRAP Handstand Push Ups or Wall Walks x 1:30min
Rest 1min
AMRAP Toes to Bar x 2min
Rest 1min
AMRAP Double Unders x 2:30min

5 Sets
Push Press + Push Jerk x 3+3 reps
On the 2:30min Marks

Rest 3min

3 Sets
Bent Over Row x 8 reps
Rest 1min
Weighted Pull Up x 3 reps
On the 3min Marks

Rest 3min

3 Sets Each for time:
Weighted Muscle Ups x 10/7 reps 10lbs
Rest 3min
Competitor Session 2
10 Sets
Strict Parrelette Handstand Push Ups x 4 reps
On the min Marks
*Find the right deficit that works for you to maintain the reps for all sets, note this high because we will use that over the next 3 weeks.*

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