Monday 1.20.14

A. DB Press; 6-10reps on the min for 10 min
B. Bench Mark
10min to find Max negatives / Ring Pulls or 1RM weighted Pull Up tempo of 3010
C. Bench Mark
10min to find Max negatives / Bench Dip or 1RM Weighted Dip tempo of 3010
“tabata” burpees

A. Push Press; 3 reps on the min for 10 min (From the ground)
B. Bench Mark
10min to find Max negatives / Ring Pulls or 1RM weighted Pull Up tempo of 3010
C. Bench Mark
10min to find Max negatives / Bench Dip or 1RM Weighted Dip tempo of 3010
“tabata” burpees

A. Split jerk; 3 reps on the min for 10 min @65-75% 1rm
B. CTB pull ups; 15/10 for time x5; rest 2 min
C. Ring dips; 15/10 for time x5; rest 2 min
“tabata” burpees
Competitor session 2:
A. Power Clean 3.3.3×3; rest 20sec/rest 2min
These have to be perfect reps, no wide feet or chasing it forward.
B. OTM 10min front squat 2-3reps

2 thoughts on “Monday 1.20.14”

  1. Per:
    A. 235x4min. 245x6min
    B. All UB and Under 30sec
    C. All but last set UB , all under 20sec, first 2 sets all strict
    Skipped Burpees
    A. 165/165/135, wanted to work on form and speed, also did from hang
    B. all at 245, 6min x3reps. 4min x2reps