Monday 1.6.14

A.In 5 sets or less build up to a heavy but fast 5rep Goblet Squat(3sec Pause). This is not maximal. (7min time cap)
B. Romanian Dead Lift stop just below knee; tempo41x1 5×5; OT3min
12 min amrap:
12 deadlift
4 Push Ups
12 KBS
4 Bench dips

A.In 5 sets or less build up to a heavy but fast 1rep Back Squat. This is not maximal. (7min time cap)
B. Dead Lift; tempo 41×1 5×5; OT3min
12 min amrap:
12 deadlift 225/155
4/2 hspu
12 KBS 1.5 pood/1 pood
4/2 ring dips

A.In 5 sets or less build up to a heavy but fast 1rep Front Squat(3sec Pause). This is not maximal. (7min time cap)
B. Snatch pulls; 5×5; OT3min
12 min amrap:
12 deadlift 275/195
6/4 hspu
12 KBS 2 pood/1.5 pood
6/4 ring dips
Extra After Class:
Neutral grip DB bench press; 12-15×5; rest 90 seconds

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