Athlete Spotlight: Justine Parker

Name: Justine ParkerJustine
Age: 28
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Which class time do you usually attend? 6 a.m.
Favorite WOD: Murph!
Favorite Lift: Clean
Deadlift Max: 205 pound
Back squat Max: 145 pounds
Fran: Right around 5 minutes, but that was with a band and 55-pound thrusters. We should do that again soon…
Cindy: 14+8 Rx
Got Muscle-ups? Nope, not yet.
1 mile run: 7:30ish. I’ve never really ran just 1 mile for time.
How long have you been CrossFitting? Since November 2011

What keeps you coming back/motivated?
“Definitely the people! Our class has been together for a long time now. Most of us see each other before we get to see our own families, so we’re all pretty close. Any new people to our class fit right in and it’s like we’ve known each other forever, I love that! Plus, it’s now my therapy/anger management 🙂 I go crazy if I miss WODs.”

How did you find CrossFit?
“My boss, dragged me kicking and screaming. It took me over a month before I really started to not hate it.”

What is your athletic background (If applicable)?
“Well, once I worked at bar where the kitchen was upstairs, so I had to go up and down the stairs a lot. That seriously is the extent of my ‘athletic background.'”

How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
“I wake up at 5 in the morning now!! Seriously, it has changed most everything. My boys and I play outside and run around together all the time. A lot of our weekends are at races or other active events and we eat so much better now.”

What is the one thing you have done here that you never thought you could do? (muscle up, double unders, heavy deadlift, run a mile, etc.)
“When I first started, I couldn’t run 200 meters without walking, so running a 5k, or more, with relative ease is pretty cool. Never mind throwing weight over my head and pull ups.”

What motivates/inspires you?
“Knowing there is so much that I still can’t do. Plus, our coaches push us and work so hard for us to get things right, it makes you give that little extra effort for them.”

What is your proudest CrossFi achievement?
“Getting that 95-pound clean and jerk was pretty cool during the CrossFit Open 13.4 was pretty exciting, but I would probably have to say competing at the Garage Games. It was so cool having a crowd cheer you on and being part of a team where everyone was relying on each other.”

Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit?
“I seriously need to get 100 pounds over my head now.”

What goals have you achieved in CrossFit?
“Pull ups! And being able to run. Everyone calls me a runner, which still makes me laugh. Plus I think I may have finally gotten my husband hooked on CrossFit! That took a little while.”

Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit?
“This question really shouldn’t be this hard….I love hanging out with my family 🙂 I also really love sports and now obstacle racing and my dogs.”

What is your favorite meal?
“Anything on the grill. I’m pretty OK with Paleo, I love meat and I’m really enjoying all the different veggies, too. I know everyone is disappointed that I didn’t say bacon with a side of bacon. That’s a snack, not a meal.”

Any advice for new members?
“Don’t give up. Stick it out and it’ll eventually ‘catch’.

Coach Jeff’s comment:
“Justine’s is a joy to be around in the gym and always helps bring life to the sleepy 6 a.m. workouts. Her positive attitude going into each workout is one of her keys to success. Justine also has a tremendous drive to improve. That drive has helped her grow as a CrossFit athlete by leaps and bounds over the last year. A great example of Justine’s success is that less than two weeks after getting her unassisted pull-ups she has completed both Cindy and Angie Rx. That’s a huge accomplishment, and with her drive, I expect to see many more leaps from Justine over the next year.”