How many times a week should I do Olympic lifting?

Crossfit entails so many movements and lifts. Is there really time to practice and get stronger at each lift every week and still do skilled metcons? Yes!

We have back squat, front squat, dead lift, press, push press, push jerk, split jerk, behind the neck jerk, over head squat, snatch balance, squat snatch, power snatch, squat clean, power clean, thruster, and I probably forgot a few but you get the point. How do I get better and stronger at all of these movements without being in the gym for 3 hours a day? The answer is to perform the ones with the most transfer meaning those lifts that incorporate some of the other movements. For example, the squat clean and jerk has the dead lift, the clean, the front squat, and the split jerk all contained in this one movement. It also has some components of the thruster, push press, and split jerk. You can break the squat snatch down the same way.

Stay consistent with the highly complex and compound lifts on a weekly basis and pick 1-3 of the other lifts that you rotate through. Training this way will allow you to practice heavy on every movement each month. Also, remember to do the burgener warm-up with a barbell on a daily basis right before every workout.

Below is a sample two week training schedule to illustrate the schedule I am suggesting:

Week 1
Clean and Jerk
Back Squat

Squat Snatch
Dead lift


Week 2
Squat Snatch
Front Squat

Clean and Jerk
Snatch Balance